United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific

24 September | 10:30-12:00 ICT
Unpacking Remedy: A practical workshop for business practitioners
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Please note that separate registration is required to attend this session.
The third pillar of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) states that individuals whose rights are harmed by business must have access to remedy. Despite more than 10 years of implementation of the UNGPs by companies and states alike, the remedy pillar remains largely undeveloped and under-fulfilled.
There is little practical guidance on how to provide effective remedy—including a lack of tools on how to measure effectiveness—and few public case studies, limiting the ability to learn from others and advance the field.
To support companies unpack the business responsibility to providing for, or cooperating in remedy, BSR will be hosting a pre-forum session on the topic of remedy.
Through a case study and scenario exercise, this interactive workshop session aims at increasing awareness and guiding businesses on their understanding of how a business can cause, contribute to, and be linked to human rights harms, and what this means for providing remedy, including on the technical approaches to providing remedy.
This event is meant for business participants only.
Increasing awareness and guiding businesses on their understanding of how a business can cause, contribute to, and be linked to human rights harms, and what this means for providing remedy, including on the technical approaches to providing remedy.
Key questions
How a business can cause, contribute to, and be linked to human rights harms?
What does this mean for providing remedy?
What forms of remedy / reparation would be most appropriate?
Workshop. After an introduction provided by BSR of key concepts and considerations related to remedy, workshop participants will be divided in breakout groups to discuss two sets of key questions. Following break-out participants will report back to the full group and there will be subsequent discussion to draw key learnings and conclusions from the exercise.