United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific
24 September | 10:30-12:00 ICT
VOICES of Waste Pickers: Responsible business in the plastics recycling supply chain in practice
Organized by:
The Circulate Initiative
An estimated 20 million informal waste sector workers and waste pickers play a critical role in plastics collection, contributing to nearly 60% of global recycling efforts. Despite this, their contributions are overlooked, and they are vulnerable to human rights issues including inadequate pay, child labor, and health risks. Recognizing and collaborating with informal waste sector workers is essential to solving the plastic pollution crisis and increasing the supply of recycled plastic. Businesses in turn have an important role to play in addressing human rights issues in the value chain, and additionally reporting on social and environmental risks and meeting the growing demands of regulators.
Provide an understanding and set the context of the informal sector and lives of waste pickers in Asia through their lens
Highlight the role of businesses in implementing inclusive responsible practices in their supply chain against the backdrop of stringent reporting and regulations
Showcase diverse and multi-stakeholder perspectives to understand unique roles and interplay between value chain actors
Discuss pathways towards solutions that ensure the protection of human rights of waste pickers
Movie screening and panel discussion