United Nations Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum, Asia-Pacific
From Commitment to Action
6-9 June 2023 | Bangkok, Thailand
The 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR75) provides us with an important opportunity, as well as a potential inflection point, to move from commitment to action by strengthening the State duty to protect human rights, the corporate responsibility to respect human rights, access to effective remedy and, ultimately, global solidarity for the rights of all.
Under the theme “From Commitment to Action”, the 5th UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum aims to build on ongoing dialogue on the issues, challenges, and sectors the business and human rights community needs to act upon and what needs to be done to ensure commitments are put into action.
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List of Sessions
Welcome, Keynotes and Opening Plenary
Turning Stones to Diamonds: Pressure points to facilitate access to remedy
Environmental Defenders As Levers of Change: Supporting climate action and responsible business practices
Regional Access to Justice and Remediation: Making it work for migrant workers
Asia’s Environmental Priorities and the Business and Human Rights Agenda
Business, Human Rights and Displaced Persons: Enhancing access to durable solutions
Combatting Precarity and Spurring Formal Employment to Achieve Decent Work and Social Justice
Plastic Circularity through Responsible Business Conduct: Realizing the right to a healthy environment
Confronting Hate Speech and Disinformation: The role of advertising
Citizens and Consumers: The missing link
Policy Developments in Japan and their Impact on Asia
Asia and the Future of Globalization: Business and Human Rights in Perspective
Building Business Action Fit for Children in East Asia and the Pacific
Leveraging a Human Rights-Based Approach to Infrastructure Development in Southeast Asia
Scaling Up Business Action for Net-Zero: Harnessing the Levers of Change
Closing Plenary
List of Speakers
Alberto Carrillo Pineda
Amir Malik
- Andrey Sawchenko
Andy Yentriyani
Anita Ramasastry
Anna Griffin
Anna Maria Oltrop
Annie Khan
Archana Kotecha
Asif Ibrahim
Celso Hernandez
Carlo Manalansan
Chaovalit Pakpianthakolphol
Damla Buyuktaskin
David R. Boyd
Diane Archer
Dinna Prapto Raharja
Dominic Thomson
Farooq Ahmed
Geertrui Lanneau
Gemma Edgar
Gen Nakatani
Georgina Lloyd
Graeme Buckley
H.E. Jon Åström Gröndahl
Harpreet Kaur
Ida Margarita Hyllested
Jake Dubbins
Joyce Chau
Karina Perida-Trayvilla
Katia Chirizzi
Katinka Weinberger
Kelly Scott
Kevin Lehmann
Lia Mai Torres
Livio Sarandrea
Luhur Budijarso
Manja Bayang
Marie Joyce Godio
Masao Seki
Matsui Hiroki
Mrinalini Venkatachalam
Namit Agarwal
Nang Won Lee
Naporn Popattanachai
Nareeluc Pairchaiyapoom
Nat Atichartakarn
Nguyen Thi Bich Thuy
Nusra Chankaew
Orathai (Nok) Pongruktham
Pat de Brún
Phang Oy Cheng
Philip Ling Oon Hun
Pia Oberoi
Pichamon Yeophantong
Pillkyu Hwang
Pochoy Labog
Rachel Beck
Robert Vaughan
Ruchira Jaitly
Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol
Sara Seck
Sean Lees
Seree Nonthasoot
Shubhabrata Roy
Shusmita Anis
Shusuke Oyobe
Siriporn Rathie
Sophia Areias
Srikanya Yathip
Stefania Perna
Stephen Olson
Sumi Dhanarajan
Sung In Marshall
Surya Deva
Sushmita Mandal
Suzanne Cheung
Syed Mohammad Fahimuddin Pasha
Tomoya Obokata
Tony Khaw
Tran Thi Lan Anh
Undrakh Lkhagva
Victoire Rio
Vivekanand Sistla
Wanun Permpibul
Weenarin Lulitanonda

Message from the Organizers: 5th UN Responsible Business and Human Rights Forum

UNRBHR 2023: Day 1 Recap

UNRBHR 2023: Day 3 Recap